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What on earth!!!!!

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: What on earth!!!!!

I had one girl from the Philippines. She kept on about me sending money so she can buy an iPad. WHAT!! I send money for an iPad after just about 6 messages from you!!

I then had another girl from the Philippines. Got to say georgeous. Loves chocolate so I got a box from the post offic and filled it with chocolate. YUP. Courier so not cheap to get to her. Got a message she had to pay tax. Sent the money Western Union (Seems all foreigners know about Western Union). Tried to call her. Got told she had a "cheap china phone". A mate of mine had a Samsung. Asked her if it was ok. Yes. Courier it (again). Yup. Got told have to pay tax. Then she complained that Skype made it slow. My son had just upgraded to iphone 4 so he gave me his iphone 3 (need a new screen but no problem. Got it done). Again courier. Yup more tax to be paid. She wanted an iPhone 4 so I went and bought one. Again courier and YES more tax to be paid. I also used to send her some money so she can have a bit better life. She left where she lived and was working to go and live with her sister in manila. Well guess what happened!!!!! See when somebody sends an e mail from an iPone at the bottom it says "Sentfrom my iPhone". Then I got some e mails which said "Sent from my iPad". Now how can she have bought an iPad if not working?? She opened up and told me she had spent two weeks of S-- with a 62 year old as long as he pays for her breast implants and an iPad. Take a wild guess what happened with our relationship. I had been saving like mad to go and meet her.......... Got a message cos it was close t her birthday. Yeah I was falling in love with her at one time so I sent her some money. Take a guess!!!! Got a message back asking me for an iPhone 6!!

Next one......... thought I will go close to where I live. That turned into a good one. We agreed to meet for drinks and maybe a meal. Dates agreed. I book a coach ticket (cannot be bothered driving for about 4 hours). Hotel booked so I can stay overnight. Couple of days before meeting cancelled. Nice one. Cannot get any refunds. Ok benefit of the doubt I guess. We broke up for some time and then got back together again. I do not swear in front of women. We were chatting and I told her that if she wants breast implants (like she told me she wants) I am willing to pay for them if we are in a relationship. She has that she wants children. I told her I was willing to remortgage my home so we can find a surrogate mother. What did I get?? A lot of abuse!!!! I asked her for a photo of her in a dress. Got a photo of just her face. Did I throw a tantrum?? No. We had agreed to meet again. So same thing. Book a coach. Book a hotel. She asked me for a selfie as I only have one photo on here. I told her I do not like taking selfies. Did she throw a tantrum. heck she did. The foul language she spat out is unbelievable.

What is wrong with the women (MTF) on here??

Rant over............. If you want to find true love then act like a woman

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: What on earth!!!!!
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nick20045 wrote: I had one girl from the Philippines. She kept on about me sending money so she can buy an iPad. WHAT!! I send money for an iPad after just about 6 messages from you!!

I then had another girl from the Philippines. Got to say georgeous. Loves chocolate so I got a box from the post offic and filled it with chocolate. YUP. Courier so not cheap to get to her. Got a message she had to pay tax. Sent the money Western Union (Seems all foreigners know about Western Union). Tried to call her. Got told she had a "cheap china phone". A mate of mine had a Samsung. Asked her if it was ok. Yes. Courier it (again). Yup. Got told have to pay tax. Then she complained that Skype made it slow. My son had just upgraded to iphone 4 so he gave me his iphone 3 (need a new screen but no problem. Got it done). Again courier. Yup more tax to be paid. She wanted an iPhone 4 so I went and bought one. Again courier and YES more tax to be paid. I also used to send her some money so she can have a bit better life. She left where she lived and was working to go and live with her sister in manila. Well guess what happened!!!!! See when somebody sends an e mail from an iPone at the bottom it says "Sentfrom my iPhone". Then I got some e mails which said "Sent from my iPad". Now how can she have bought an iPad if not working?? She opened up and told me she had spent two weeks of S-- with a 62 year old as long as he pays for her breast implants and an iPad. Take a wild guess what happened with our relationship. I had been saving like mad to go and meet her.......... Got a message cos it was close t her birthday. Yeah I was falling in love with her at one time so I sent her some money. Take a guess!!!! Got a message back asking me for an iPhone 6!!

Next one......... thought I will go close to where I live. That turned into a good one. We agreed to meet for drinks and maybe a meal. Dates agreed. I book a coach ticket (cannot be bothered driving for about 4 hours). Hotel booked so I can stay overnight. Couple of days before meeting cancelled. Nice one. Cannot get any refunds. Ok benefit of the doubt I guess. We broke up for some time and then got back together again. I do not swear in front of women. We were chatting and I told her that if she wants breast implants (like she told me she wants) I am willing to pay for them if we are in a relationship. She has that she wants children. I told her I was willing to remortgage my home so we can find a surrogate mother. What did I get?? A lot of abuse!!!! I asked her for a photo of her in a dress. Got a photo of just her face. Did I throw a tantrum?? No. We had agreed to meet again. So same thing. Book a coach. Book a hotel. She asked me for a selfie as I only have one photo on here. I told her I do not like taking selfies. Did she throw a tantrum. heck she did. The foul language she spat out is unbelievable.

What is wrong with the women (MTF) on here??

Rant over............. If you want to find true love then act like a woman

Your story is a good example to everyone of what to watch out for on the internet.

First, it is REALLY FOOLISH to send gifts and money to anyone on the Internet you have not met in your comments about sending candy, paying taxes, sending electronics, paying taxes is all a HUGE WARNING for everyone reading this.

Separately, your offer to remortgage your home for someone you have not met is REALLY FOOLISH. This is how people lose everything to scammers.

Also, your refusal to send a selfie (or in essence) provide some evidence that you are who you say you are in your profile is a HUGE RED FLAG for anyone you interact with.

Basically, everything you said looks like textbook scam related activity ON BOTH SIDES.

You should not be sending any money to anyone online...PERIOD.

And no one should feel comfortable with someone who offers to remortgage their home, without ever meeting...especially when that person refuses to send a 'selfie' or some other verification that they are who they say they are.

EVERYTHING about your story is an example of exactly what people SHOULD NOT DO on the Internet.

Everyone, please read our ONLINE DATING SAFETY page, linked in the HELP navigation...and do not do anything this member has done.

Sorry to be so blunt, but we are still shocked by what we read.



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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Re: What on earth!!!!!

Sorry you are a bit wrong.

Meeting: At a hotel (they are public there so feel safe). Bar for a few drinks. (Again a public place). Restaurant for a meal (again a public place). I offered to pay for her taxi to the hotel. I will pay for everything At any time she felt she wanted to leave she can leave and I will even pay for the taxi to go back home. I think that was pretty fair.

Remortgage my home if she wanted a baby was on the condition that we were living together and in a long term reationship. I am NOT going to remortgage my home for somebody I have not met. I am not that stupid. And it would have been at least 3 years (possibly even got married) before I will enter into such a commitment. (It costs about £30,000 for IVF and a surrogate mother which is not a joke).

Sending a selfie............ If the person wants to know the persons ID all she has to ask is for a scan of the driving licence. In England driving licences have a photo, the name and surname and, the address. Cannot ask for more then that for identity. It is just I do not like having to stand in front of a mirror to take a selfie photo. (Besides I do not know how to connect the mobile to a computer )

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Nick can I have an IPAD?

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`In my country there's (MTF) gold digger everywhere. Kind people like you will always be the victim ... Of course not all of the MTF are the same. Hope you find the right one ;)

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November 10, 2013
Posts: 11

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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`You got made into a sugar daddy.. It's not that difficult to grasp. It happens all the time when older men end up with a younger chick. (I'm going to assume she was). Common sense would say that you should probably question what a younger girl (that probably has options) would want with a "more mature lad"? Besides that you may be well off and have straight up cash to buy all sorts of ridiculous things. Not every woman is like this. But going on a hunch here... If you go after the ones far lower than your age.. For your sake I wouldn't because they most likely will only give a s**t about that Ipad$$$. :)

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